Developed a thorough go-to-market strategy to enter the South-East Asian market. Facilitated a soft landing through our parnters.
Businesses typically have difficulty determining which markets are the greatest fits for them. They lack a network, so even after conducting extensive market research, they have trouble identifying the most crucial contacts and facilitators to approach. A similar problem affected this firm.
Finding some of the markets that best suit them was the goal, as was making the entry process easier by putting them in touch with the appropriate people and businesses as they intended to extend operations overseas. Making sales was not the goal; rather, it was to support the company's growth and help it thrive.
Together, we have determined the ideal market fit after conducting a thorough and well-defined market study. We've established our objectives and concluded that Southeast Asia would be an excellent place to start after analyzing the data we've collected. We have set up productive meetings and found important connecting firms and potential partners with the help of our vast network and database. We have also helped facilitate a networking event, where the firm could share their product with potential partners. Due to the company's presence in the area and its use of the original network, it is expanding its wings.